Therapeutic Ultrasound

Ultrasound is a high frequency sound wave which produces a vibration of the cells in the body. This sound wave is the production of mechanical energy, created by the vibration of a quartz crystal, which is situated in the treatment head of the machine.

It helps with the body’s own natural healing process and encourages healing in the soft tissues. This is therapeutic ultrasound which is different to that used during pregnancy.

What are the benefits?

  • It speeds the rate of healing by increasing the cellular activity.
  • It promotes a healthy inflammatory response to allow effective repair of the damaged tissue
  • Increases blood flow, Range of movement (ROM), and pain relief
  • It promotes re-modelling of the new tissue so it adopts the characteristics of the tissue it is repairing.

What conditions can it be used for?

  • Tendons e.g tendinopathy
  • Ligaments e.g ligament sprains
  • The joint capsule e.g capsulitis
  • Help reduce scar tissue

